Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Newcomers Christmas Bazaar

The Newcomers Christmas Bazaar was held at the Anemomylos Taverna
Vivian and Martha sell raffle and food tickets
Cecile sells Polish potttery
Toni and Ariadne help serve food and beverages
A manicure from Tara
Cassie helps on the raffle table
Diana Farr Louis author of guide and cook books
Patricia winner of one of the many delicious cakes
A delighted Toni wins the DVD player
Handsome boys
Loxandra checks out the painted butterfly

Bauza sells fantastic jewelry with her own handmade beads
Ruby and Helen of Build a Bear
Takis the Taverna owner busy cooking souvlaki
Anne winner of Robin's amazing Christmas cake
Some of the Board members who made the event such a success