Sydney welcomes 50 Newcomers to the September meeting

Argirou, representative of the Institute of Welfare and Education for the Deaf

Sandra reads the Institute's statement


Sydney with the Newcomers 14 month calendar. ONLY 5 EUROS

Jamie the newest Newcomer



Sheila, representative of the Make a Wish Foundation inviting all to a fund raising luncheon on 28 September, Life Gallery Hotel

Contact Niki if you are able to reciprocate with geriatic dog care

Vivian is offering a 25 minute head, neck and shoulder massage for 20 euros during September and October. w.w.w.handtohearttherapeutics.com

Chris of Community Connection invites one and all to the "Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning" at 10.30 Wednesday 15 September, Nafsika Hotel, Kifisia

A sad farewell to Amy and Michele who are returning to the USA
