Mahie welcomes Newcomers to Kerameikos

The Themistoclean Wall had a stone base and the rest consisted of unbaked brick. The foundations were laid in 479 BC

The wall was subsequently repaired three times, once during the Peloponnesian War, once under Conon in 394 BC and lastly about 307 BC during the Macedonian Wars

Newcomers listen to Mahie

Accurately carved stonework. The Themistoclean wall was built in order to protect the City from Spartan threat.

Bridge crossing the River Eridanos

Mahie, the tour guide.

Excavation sides show horizontal layers of ancient ceremics

Precisely cut stone joint

Spring flowers in Kerameikos

St. Triada Church

The bridge crossing the Eridanos river from the Sacred Way to the Pompeion

The remains of the Pompeion. It had a large colonnaded court and a monumental propylon

Grave stele. The deceased is depicted as an athlete holding a strigil

Detail of Athlete

The "Sacred Gate Lion" 590 BC

Detail of lion

Fragment of a grave stele. The deceased is depicted as a bearded boxer. 550 BC

The sacred gate Kouros


Detail of Sphinx

Grave stele of Philetos. 1st c. AD

Newcomers listen to Mahie as she talks about the bull

The bull stood on a high pedestal in the middle of the grave enclosure behind a naiskos on which were carved epigrams. 345 BC

Bull from the grave enclosure of Dionysios of Kollytos, Near the Way of the Tombs. 345 BC

Clay figurines. 950 BC

Wheeled horse. 550 BC

Bird vases. 750 BC

Small cart with a white horse. 675 BC

Figurine of a woman baking. 540 BC

Feeding bottle with strainer

Vase modeled in the shape of a foot. 500 BC

Pyxides with horse figurines on the lid. 8th c. BC

Clay pomegranate. 750 BC

Kantharos with a depiction of a warrior restraining horses. 750 BC

Necklace with clay beads

Pair of gold earrings and a gold earring with a cornelian bead

"Columbus" aryballos with a depiction of training for wrestling. 490 BC

Bowls containing tablets of face powder

Kylix with a flirtation scene

Ring shaped askos

White ground lekythos

Curses inscibed against individuals, amongst whom reference is made to servants, procurers, wine shop owners and tent dwellers

Shards of pottery incised with the name of famous Athenians who were candidates for ostracism. 5c BC

Cup with a banquet scene

The Themistoclean fortification built in 478 BC and encircling the entire city divided Kerameikos into an inner and outer zone. The inner was for urban development while the area outside the walls was used for burials.

The Pompeion was where the preparations were carried out for the most important festival of ancient Athens, the Panathenaia which was held every 4 years. This large rectangular ediface measuring 70 X 30 m. was built in 400 BC.