Alesia Grady, a dedicated member of Newcomers, announced that she will be moving away from Greece shortly. Alesia has been a member since 2005 and has held the positions of secretary and area representative. In addition she opened her home to house the library and has been hostess to numerous dinner club evenings, coffee mornings, and board meetings. She has worked at the Welcome Desk, sold Recommended Services Books, collected tickets at most of our luncheons and filled in for any Board member who needed her, including the President. In 2008, her efforts were recognized by being voted Volunteer of the Year. Alesia has been there for all of us whenever we've needed an extra hand for anything. She has been a treasured member and friend and we will miss her terribly.Cathy Martinez, Alesia Grady, and Sydney Wade.
Cathy Martinez gave a reminder to please mark your calendars for the Easter Bazaar, which will take place of our April meeting, on April 8 at the Anemomylos Taverna in Kastri. We hope to see you there!